The biggest disease facing the minds of humanity

An insidious disease of epidemic proportions is spreading across the nation, wreaking havoc in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people. Affecting even the greatest and most successful of minds, we each do battle with this disease daily - and it is winning. Yet despite it's all encompassing grip, it is surprisingly easy to … Continue reading The biggest disease facing the minds of humanity

Simple technique to quickly uncover limiting beliefs

One of the quickest ways to begin to uncover limiting beliefs that you suspect are holding you back from making changes or attracting new and positive things into your life is to complete the following statement as quick as possible with minimal thought. I can’t do/be/have this because __________________________________ The key to this technique is … Continue reading Simple technique to quickly uncover limiting beliefs

I want never gets: How my Nana gave me a limiting belief

Having served with the British Military in Berlin after the war, and marrying a Highly Decorated British Military Officer, my Nana was old-school military pomp and posture. It was of greatest importance to her that her grandchildren learn the manners becoming of the grandchildren of a Highly Decorated British Military Officer. She took every opportunity … Continue reading I want never gets: How my Nana gave me a limiting belief